يوم القيامة: 3D 3.2 APK
Android 2.3+ · 46.29 MB
4.7 (17)
by QPman
1. Added the ability to play for points in arcade mode;
2. In arcade mode added service game Google Play, which allows you to record the results of their achievements in the Player Rankings for further comparison. Compete with your friends!
3. Added shop where you can disable ads and buy kits weapons. By default, the knife, pistol, machine
4. Reworked animation zombies and optimized performance
5. Redness of the screen when zombies attack
6. Other innovations
المنصة | Android (هاتف ذكي أو جهاز لوحي) |
المتطلبات | Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)+ |
بنية المعالج | armeabi-v7a |
اسم الحزمة | co.Comny.ProduName |
رخصة | حر |
التوقيع | 018790C7362E8D23A2DF92660FCBE5AF8985BC1D |
نوع الملف | APK (Android Package Kit) |
اسم الملف | Судный день: атака зомби_4.7.apk |
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