Lethal Love XAPK - احدث اصدار
13.6 (92)
by AniByte!
ما هو الجديد في الإصدار الأحدث
– Improved Sanity system: as Kyoko’s sanity decreases, the screen’s saturation gradually fades to black and white(Post Process needs to be enabled);
– Fixed: Resolved an issue causing a black screen during the school uniform selection scene on certain devices;
– Fixed: Bug where on some devices the game would not run using 80% of the device’s resolution;
– Fixed: Corrected a visual bug in the reaction camera where some students appeared bald.
معلومات الملف
Platform | Android (smartphone or tablet) |
المتطلبات | Android 5.1 (Lollipop MR1)+ |
بنية المعالج | arm64-v8a |
اسم الحزمة | com.IconicMoon.LethalLove |
رخصة | حر |
نوع الملف | XAPK Android App Bundle |
اسم الملف | Lethal Love_13.6.xapk |
هل تواجه مشكلة في التثبيت؟
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مشابهة لـ Lethal Love
مراجعات حول Lethal Love XAPK 13.6
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