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Crystal Hearts World


Download APK for Android 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2+ 1.13 Free 54.51 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Role-playing combat adventure in a fantasy world

Screenshot Crystal Hearts World 1
Screenshot Crystal Hearts World 2

Crystal Hearts World – travel through the twists and turns of the story in this amazingly beautifully designed role-playing game, preventing the universe from plunging into chaos. According to the prehistory, a certain powerful crystal for many millennia was the basis of the balance of power and helped civilization develop by leaps and bounds. At the same time, he steadily brought the universe closer to destruction – you have to curb this force and turn the course of history in a positive direction for all the inhabitants of the world.

In the new Crystal Hearts World game from 8888PLAY studio, fans of action role-playing games will find all the elements typical for the genre, for example, they will be able to upgrade their heroes, buy weapons and equipment for them, participate in exciting battles, choose any tasks, trying to get for them new level and well-deserved rewards. But there are differences from the RPG genre in its classical sense in the release, for example, here the developers endow the characters with the ability to evade destructive and lethal attacks – this is a weighty argument that will help in a military campaign through locations filled with death and horror.

As always, the success of passing Crystal Hearts World largely depends on the gamer’s ability to form a diversified squad, where some warriors are masters of defense, others effectively attack and break through enemy defenses, others do not give a chance to enemies at a distance, and the fourth – jewelry own the technique of close combat. You can pump the strength of each fighter, for example, by adding passive and ultimate abilities to him, which will positively affect the capabilities of the entire group.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.baplay.chsea
Developer baplay
License Free app
Date updated Feb 26, 2020
Number of downloads 4
Available languages

English (+85 localizations)

Download Crystal Hearts World

Download Crystal Hearts World (1.13) APK
ARMv7, x86
54.51 MB

How to Install Crystal Hearts World on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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