What is removed when you reset the settings on Android

After operation Android Smartphone or Tablet for a long time, many users begin to notice, that the device is not properly hang-regular, departures and other problems regularly make themselves felt. This is especially true for active users, who regularly set on "car" new applications. Face to face when confronted with this problem, inexperienced users are ready to go to a specialized service centre, to "cure" their device. We advise you not to rush, because the operating system tools provide ways to eliminate this scourge, through return to the factory settings, that may be enough, the machine became, as good as new.

But this decision has and unpleasant side is permanently deletes all data and files, appeared on the unit during operation-games and applications, Configure the desktop calendar, photos and video files, contacts. Of course, If all of this information is located in the internal memory of the Smartphone or Tablet. Return to factory settings does not affect the data, placed on a removable SD Card. Not wishing to say goodbye forever with important information for users, in the preparatory phase, the Hard Reset you can advise to take backup of all important data, What can be achieved in several ways-means Android or manual migrating all data (Photo, video, contacts and stuff), for example, to a computer or to your cloud storage.