Offroad LX Simulator borítókép

Letöltés Androidra 108.95 MB ingyenes

Le tout-terrain de luxe, réimaginé de manière réaliste.

Ever dreamed of taking a luxury 4×4 off the beaten path? Wondering what it’s like to push a high-end SUV to its limits? Offroad LX Simulator makes that dream a virtual reality! This isn’t just another racing game; it’s a realistic driving simulator powered by a true physics engine, available right on your Android device.

Forget generic racing titles. Offroad LX Simulator offers a unique experience. You’ll feel the thrill of handling a detailed, luxury off-road vehicle, and you’ll witness the consequences of every bump and crash with surprisingly realistic car damage. Ever wondered if you could drift in an SUV? Now’s your chance to find out!

So, how do you want to play? Offroad LX Simulator gives you options, and plenty of them! Choose from eight distinct modes. Want to cruise solo? Explore the CITY, PORT, or AIRPORT in free-ride mode. Feeling competitive? Jump into online multiplayer races in the CITY, DESERT, or PORT. There is even a DESERT 2 option for multiplayer freeriding. It’s all about choosing your own adventure.

The game keeps things simple where it counts. Selecting a drive mode is a breeze, and you can customize your view with multiple camera settings. Inside the car, you’ll find interactive elements and a full 360-degree view of the cabin, adding to the immersive experience. You even have first-person and third-person modes. Do you prefer to see the action from behind the wheel, or get a broader view of your surroundings? It’s your choice!

The developers at OPPANA GAMES are always looking for feedback, so you can share your ideas for new features.

But what really sets Offroad LX Simulator apart is the realistic physics. Acceleration feels authentic, and the handling responds to your every move. This isn’t some arcade racer; it’s a simulator that rewards careful driving (so maybe don’t floor it around those corners!).

Ready to experience the power and luxury of off-road driving without leaving your couch? Download Offroad LX Simulator today and see what you’ve been missing! Check the game out, and let the developers know what you think.

Videó és képernyőfelvételek

Offroad LX Simulator videó
Offroad LX Simulator képernyőkép 1
Offroad LX Simulator képernyőkép 2
Offroad LX Simulator képernyőkép 3
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Offroad LX Simulator képernyőkép 7
Offroad LX Simulator képernyőkép 8

A legújabb verzió műszaki adatai 1.55

Rendszerkövetelmények: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) vagy magasabb verziószámú okostelefon vagy táblagép szükséges.

További információk
Csomag neve (Google Play Store ID) com.OppanaGames.Lexus.Simulator
Szerző (Fejlesztő) OppanaGames
Licenc Ingyenes alkalmazás
Frissítés dátuma 2025. márc. 15.
Műfaj Szimulátor / Mobil játék

Magyar (+83 lokalizációk)

Offroad LX Simulator letöltés ingyen

Legújabb verzió (1.55):

Letöltés Offroad LX Simulator apk 1.55
Fájlméret: 108.95 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a Eredeti teljes verzió MOD-ok nélkül
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