QuickShortcutMaker 2.4.0 APK
Android 1.6+ · 2.02 MB
2.5.0 (20500)
by sika524
Create shortcuts quickly and launch your favorite actions quickly.
– Added Italian and Arabic translations.
– Adapted to AndroidPhone7 theme.
– Changed dialog UI.
– Fixed a bug that the shortcut for Google Play cannot be opened.
– Some more improvements.
– Added function to ask you to rate this app. (Forgive me if you don’t like such a thing.)
Platform | Android (smartphone atau tablet) |
Persyaratan | Android 1.6 (Donut)+ |
Nama Paket | com.sika524.android.quickshortcut |
Lisensi | Bebas |
HASH (sha256) | 9163196fc421af91ed8cc94ba593e6cc21762e12993964373e8b2738895ff38d |
Jenis file | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nama file | QuickShortcutMaker_2.5.0.apk |
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