Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 의 표지 그림

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Plongez dans un monde d'horreur surnaturelle.

Ever heard of Mr. Red Face? No? Well, let me introduce you to a creepy character that’s the star of Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face, a horror game that’s sure to send shivers down your spine.

The story goes that Mr. Red Face is some kind of twisted Santa Claus, a figure dreamed up by adults. Supposedly, he shows up late at night to reward the good. Sounds nice, right? But what if this story isn’t as innocent as it seems?

In Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face, you play as Ron, a guy trying to protect his family in their small apartment. But this isn’t your typical home invasion story. We’re talking about terrifying supernatural events, all linked to the evil plans of the mysterious Mr. Red Face. Are you ready to face your fears?

The Steam version is even better. It’s like the developers heard our cries for more spooky content! They’ve added a Fanart Exhibition, a 3D space where you can literally walk around and admire fan-made art. It’s a cool way to see how much this game has captured people’s imaginations. Plus, you can now tweak the game’s look with four different graphic filters and brightness settings. So you can make it as dark and scary as your heart desires.

Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face isn’t just about jump scares, although there are plenty of those. It’s about unraveling the mystery of Mr. Red Face and experiencing the escalating terror that Ron and his family face. The game cleverly plays with the familiar, turning a seemingly harmless children’s story into a nightmare.

The gameplay is simple, but effective. You will explore the apartment, solve puzzles, and try to stay one step ahead of the red-faced man. The atmosphere is thick with tension, and you are always waiting for the next terrifying thing to happen.

So, are you brave enough to step into Ron’s shoes? Download Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face today and discover the dark truth behind the legend of Mr. Red Face. It’s a unique horror experience you won’t soon forget!

동영상 및 화면 캡처

Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 의 동영상
스크린샷 Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 1
스크린샷 Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 2
스크린샷 Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 3
스크린샷 Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 4
스크린샷 Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 5
스크린샷 Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 6

최신 버전의 기술 사양 1.0.6

시스템 요구 사항: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) 이상을 실행하는 스마트폰 또는 태블릿이 필요합니다.

추가 정보
패키지 이름 (Google Play Store ID)
작가 (개발자) Royal Softworks
라이선스 무료 앱
업데이트 날짜 2025. 3. 15.
장르 어드벤처 게임 / 모바일 게임

Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face 다운로드

최신 버전 (1.0.6):

다운로드 Bad Parenting 1 - Mr Red face apk 1.0.6
파일 크기: 98.78 MB arm64-v8a MOD가 없는 오리지널 정식 버전
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