Cats are Liquid - ABP APK - Ostatnia wersja
1.2.14 (259)
by Last Quarter Studios Ltd
Nowości w najnowszej wersji
Special thanks go to the Cats are Liquid testing team!
– Fixed certain items with specific toggle platform settings causing the cat to immediately die upon spawning, if the spawnpoint was placed at room origin.
– Fixed toggle platform state not being set properly in certain situations when a room was loaded.
– Fixed typo in „There is no Alternation” music track name in the editor room settings view.
– Other fixes.
Informacje o pliku
Platforma | Android (smartfon lub tablet) |
Wymagania | ()+ |
Architektura procesora | arm64-v8a |
Nazwa pakietu | com.lastquarterstudios.catsareliquidabp |
Licencja | Darmowy |
Typ pliku | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nazwa pliku | A Better Place_1.2.14.apk |
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