Cats are Liquid - ALitS APK - Ostatnia wersja
ScriptedBreak (42)
by Last Quarter Studios Ltd
Platformówka 2D o płynnej kota.
Nowości w najnowszej wersji
– Updated LQS logos and such.
– The game now shows the subtitle as the app display name.
– The game now automatically logs in to Google Play Games.
– Other improvements.Fixes:
– Fixed game being completely non-responsive on Android 13.
– Fixed „Lava Fog” setting not being applied to a specfic area in W5R7. (Thanks, Stabby!)
– Fixed game not properly adjusting the UI to wider aspect ratios. (Thanks, Tasty Cake!)
– Other fixes.
Informacje o pliku
Platforma | Android (smartfon lub tablet) |
Wymagania | Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)+ |
Architektura procesora | armeabi-v7a, x86 |
Nazwa pakietu | com.lastquarterstudios.catsareliquid |
Licencja | Darmowy |
HASH (sha256) | ad0c6dd5ae960bf8d952e649e6875f046284e2ca45f8674ca7c8d08ae3a931df |
Typ pliku | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nazwa pliku | Cats are Liquid_ScriptedBreak.apk |
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