Dive in the Past APK - Ostatnia wersja
1.1.4 (30)
by 3D Research
Nowości w najnowszej wersji
This update introduces a new download process divided into two parts. The first part downloads the basic functionalities to ensure quick and immediate use of the application. The second part downloads the missing assets managed in the background, allowing for a seamless user experience without interruptions. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED to update the game. Enjoy Dive in the Past, and thanks for all the support!
Informacje o pliku
Platforma | Android (smartfon lub tablet) |
Wymagania | Android 7.0 (Nougat)+ |
Architektura procesora | arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a |
Nazwa pakietu | com.tredresearch.diveinthepast |
Licencja | Darmowy |
Typ pliku | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Uprawnienia | INTERNET |
Nazwa pliku | Dive in the Past_1.1.4.apk |
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