Star Conflict Heroes APK - Ostatnia wersja (13385)
by Gaijin Distribution KFT
Kosmiczna online gra z gatunku Action RPG!
Nowości w najnowszej wersji
Meet Update 1.7.82!
— Season 23 of Battle Pass: The honor of Jericho — Star Blast and Templar!
— Event: Rage and Fury — Heartland!
— The incredible ship of September: Stingray!
— Ship rebalance: fixed Valentine AE shield.
— Improved ratings and reward accrual.
— Fixed UI and localization bugs.Code for easy start available for players up to level 30: LUCKY81.
Please update the app to install the changes correctly.
Informacje o pliku
Platforma | Android (smartfon lub tablet) |
Wymagania | Android 4.4 (Kit Kat)+ |
Architektura procesora | armeabi-v7a, x86 |
Nazwa pakietu | com.gaijin.scm |
Licencja | Darmowy |
Podpis | 015FD987082F7AF1722DBA8F935730296C634129 |
Typ pliku | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nazwa pliku | SC Heroes_1.2.8.13385.apk |
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Opinie o Star Conflict Heroes APK
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