Battlegrounds Advanced Graphics Tool [NO BAN] APK - Ultima versiune
1.0.61 (73)
by Jediar Studios
Telefon low end? PUBG Lags? Ai venit în locul potrivit. ?
Ce este nou în cea mai recentă versiune
– In update 1.7, the developers of the game blocked our access to graphics settings files. :(
– Many features are no longer available but we still have access to basic options like Frame rate, Resolution and others. :D
– 60fps/90fps may not show up in your game settings, but you will feel it in gameplay. These are all the new limitations of the game.
– We will try our best to make those features work once the game allows access to it again. ;)
Informații despre fișier
cerinţe | Android 4.4+ |
Numele pachetului | jediarstudios.pubgmct |
Licență | Gratuit |
Semnătură | 5FABD03E70FE9541FBB936FDB707654C67F2DDC7 |
Tipul de fișier | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Numele fișierului | jediarstudios.pubgmct-1587345819.apk |
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Recenzii despre Battlegrounds Advanced Graphics Tool [NO BAN] APK 1.0.61
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