Camera 360 Ultimate 是一款出色的照片编辑器!用简单的手势为您的照片增添一些魔力,再也不会满足于少了!
Camera 360 Ultimate – 属性、特点和功能:
- 100+ 经典滤镜;
- 照片效果 – 超级明星、魔法英雄;
- 镜像;
- 人脸检测;
- 手动调整曝光和焦距;
- 简洁的滤镜和功能控制 – 应用效果、编辑、保存和优先级滤镜 – 将满足您的最高要求。
Camera 360 Ultimate – 自拍:
- 现在您可以点击屏幕上的任意位置进行自拍;
- 应用滤光镜 – 即使在晚上也可以拍照;
- 只需轻轻一按,睁大眼睛,均匀肤色,成为女神!
- 3D 效果突出脸部轮廓,刷新,让你更兴奋一点。
Camera 360 Ultimate — 永远不要怀疑自己的能力!你还不知道如何使用Photoshop?没问题!几个优雅的动作——试错——在屏幕上,你将学会:裁剪、翻转、选择色温和白平衡——应用超过 10 种专业的 Photoshop 功能!
1. The latest version offers the newest features. 8 beauty effect levels 1 second get V-shape face, easily remove blemishes, etc.
If you like reach information from Google Play Store and Apple App Store, the store product links are listed as below:2. Old version users cannot participate in our “Global Photo Challenge” campaign.
3. New version is much more stable, technical support is much faster and will be easily fixed.
4. Old versions have less technical support and some old versions are unstable.
Camera360 Ultimate in Google Play Store:
Camera360 Ultimate in Apple App Store:
Furthermore, you can easily find me through the 2 ways below:
Email: [email protected]
Skype: stephenchy1
Best Regards,