Drag Racing 4.2.1 APK
Android 6.0+ · 130.55 MB
4.3.5 (32000078)
by Creative Mobile Games
New car! Blue Serpent (stock) added to the dealership.
Race any friend’s car with yours.
New liveries by DragBuff added to the level 1-2-3 sport career bosses.
Option to add online opponents as friends.
Added ‘waiting for server’ notice at the end of races.
Stability and ads improvements.
Corrected buffs on premium cars.
Resolved paint slider bug.
Adjusted career unlock button.
Fixed backgrounds on profile, WR, and friends screens.
平台 | Android (智能手机) |
要求 | Android 7.0 (Nougat)+ |
处理器架构 | arm64-v8a |
软件包名称 | com.creativemobile.DragRacing |
许可证 | 自由 |
HASH (sha256) | 886c06b61347cd086df063fe694d28a9a8e71c4900368ad42633ad4d64430a13 |
文件类型 | XAPK Android App Bundle |
权限 | INTERNET ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE ACCESS_WIFI_STATE com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID VIBRATE ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS ACCESS_ADSERVICES_ATTRIBUTION WAKE_LOCK com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE com.android.vending.BILLING com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES com.applovin.array.apphub.permission.BIND_APPHUB_SERVICE ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID com.creativemobile.DragRacing.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION |
文件名 | Drag Racing_4.3.5.xapk |
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