Kings of Battleground download - Letzte Version

Kings of Battleground
0.83.12 (260) auf Android
by Yadon Studio 

Online-Shooter, die Sie gegen andere Spieler in die ultimative Schlacht Gruben

Was ist neu in der neuesten Version?

Kings of the Battleground is an online shooter that pits you against other players in the ultimate battle for survival. Be the last man standing and become the king of the battlefield!*** HEROES WITH UNIQUE ABILITIES: Choose the precise Sniper, the professional Spetsnaz, the ruthless Mercenary or another hero that fits your playstyle.*** DOZENS OF TYPES OF WEAPONRY: Sniper rifle or pistol? Baseball bat or sharp knife? From the shadows or head on against your enemies – in this battle, there’s room for any weapon!*** ATMOSPHERIC GRAPHICS: First-person view, convenient character and camera controls and automatic shooting and object selection. Nothing will distract you from victory!*** HUGE APOCALYPTIC WORLD: Travel the vast wastelands of the former Soviet Union and scavenge for equipment. Use abandoned houses, bridges, railway tracks and underground tunnels to ambush or hide from other players.*** BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL: Fight against several dozen players on a location that constantly decreases in size. One wrong step and you may catch a lethal dose of radiation. Always be on the move and become the ultimate champion.Only the strongest will survive! Enter the unforgiving wastelands of the former Soviet Union, riddled by sudden outbursts of radiation. You only have a few moments to get to safety, so never stop pushing forward! Scavenge for weapons, aid and ammunition. Everything’s scarce, as dozens of other players do the same – and each of them wants to be the last survivor.

Apk Informationen

Bedarf Android 4.4+
Prozessorarchitektur ARMv7
Paket Name (Google Play ID) com.projectx.KOB
Entwickler Yadon Studio
Lizenz Frei
Freigegeben 18 01 2019
HASH (sha256)
Dateityp Android Package File
Größe 51.74MB
Heruntergeladen 272 (975)
Genre Arcade
Bewertung 3.5 (4)
Datum 24 03 2020
Dateiname com.projectx.KOB-1585052044.apk
Inhalt Bewertung PEGI 16
Lokalisierung Deutsch (+111 Lokalisierungen)
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So installierst du die App

  1. Gehe zu Einstellungen > Sicherheit/Datenschutz und aktiviere "Aus unbekannten Quellen installieren"
  2. Auf der Captain Droid Website findest du die APK-Datei für dein Gerät.
  3. Lade die APK-Datei herunter - klicke auf den großen blauen Button. Bestätige den Download.
  4. Öffne die heruntergeladene APK-Datei, um die Installation zu starten. Überprüfe die Berechtigungen und tippe dann auf Installieren.
  5. Warte, bis die Installation abgeschlossen ist. Das dauert ein paar Minuten.
  6. Die App ist jetzt installiert! Finde sie in deiner App-Liste und genieße es, sie zu benutzen.


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