Star Wars: Jedi Challenges Icon

Star Wars: Jedi Challenges APK - Neueste Version

1.6.1 (21061)
by Disney 

Erwecke den Jedi in dir mit deinem Smartphone und diesem Star Wars™-AR-Erlebnis.


Plattform Android (smartphone oder Tablet)
Bedarf Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)+
Prozessorarchitektur arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
Paketname com.disney.mirage_goo
Lizenz Kostenlos
Dateityp APK (Android Package Kit)
Dateiname Jedi Challenges_1.6.1.apk
Inhalt Bewertung PEGI 3
Version 1.6.1 Android 6.0+ arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a 29.02.2020

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Bewertungen über Star Wars: Jedi Challenges APK 1.6.1

Derek O'Barróid:
Hello, desperately trying to find the Application for this brillant VR game. I have downloaded your files. They are installed. Disney logo appears and then App goes no further… „app is unpaid“.

So.. I am too tick to press a few buttons, or something else is wrong.
Has anybody got a functioning App that can be shared somehow. …

Anybody who has the App prepared to install it on an inexpensive Android phone a post the dam thing to me, will reimburse over PayPal.WHY in God’s holy name did Disney remove the App from the store… what would Walt say…

Happy new year.
Derek O’Barróid

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