Download Enki: Learn to code 2.5.4

2.5.4 (17200) on Android

A mentor in your pocket helping you learn data, coding and technical skills

Apk information

Requirements Android 4.4+
Processor Architecture ARMv8, ARMv7
Package Name (Google Play ID) com.enki.insights
License Free
Released 10 12 2015
HASH (sha256)
File type Android App Bundle
Size 7.93MB
Downloaded 7 (11)
Category Education apps
Date 26 06 2021
Filename com.enki.insights_v2.5.4(17200).apks
Localization English (+6 localizations)
This app has undergone security testing for vulnerabilities such as viruses, malware, and other malicious attacks. You can find the results in the report below.

How to Install the APK Bundle (apks/xapk)

APK Bundles contain multiple APKs optimized for various device configurations.

  1. Download the APK Bundle file (usually with a '.apks' or '.xapk' extension)
  2. You'll need a split APK installer app to handle the installation. One popular option is Split APKs Installer (SAI).
  3. Launch the Split APK Installer (SAI) app on your device.
  4. In SAI, tap the "Install APKs" button.
  5. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the APK Bundle file and select it.
  6. SAI will display a list of APKs included in the bundle. Select the ones you want to install, and then tap "Install."
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of each APK.
  8. Once installed, you can open and use the app as you normally would.

Installing XAPK or APK Bundle files may seem more complex than regular APKs, but it allows for optimized app installations on various device configurations.


  • How to install APK file?
  • What is an APK file?
  • How to download app from the site?
  • How to uninstall an app on Android?

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