Articles & News

: Pokemon go: where to download?

Pokemon go: where to download?

Just a few days the game Pokemon go captured the imagination and hearts, smartphones and computers of millions of people in the United States, Австралии и Новой Зеландии — только в этих странах и
: Jinga Basco M500 3 g-Budget mod

Jinga Basco M500 3 g-Budget mod

Can I buy a good smartphone cheaper $100? A year or two ago, this question can be answered unequivocally-no. But now the crisis, производители ужимают бюджет и пре
: Computer games and their impact on us

Computer games and their impact on us

Computer games – excellent teacher of modern children. It was felt throughout the world, that playing games, all the more so on a computer, вы упускаете свое время и станов
: Андроид. That better: AndroiAndroidows or IOS

Android. That better: Android, Windows or IOS

All modern devices – Smartphones, tablets or derivatives between them, It is possible to name computers. It does not matter, What kind of camera, какой процессор или материал корпуса —
: Top unnecessary applications, infest your gadget

Top unnecessary applications, infest your gadget

More often than not, We we see the installation recommendations useful and functional applications, but here we take a look at all those programs, которые наносят вред вашим любимым у
: Not all Chinese – bad

Not all Chinese – bad

The Chinese copy Wizard. The fact that well-known and hardly in doubt. They copy everything, What can bring money. When this, не сильно беспокоясь о качестве вос