Ocean Is Home: Survival Island XAPK - Latest version (129)
by Birdy Dog Studio
Island survival simulator in an open world with building and crafting
What's New in the Latest Version
Hello survivors! In this update, we added item buying machines to two main islands. Now you can get rid of unnecessary things, and even get money for it. =) We have also fixed several bugs that were found recently. Thank you for staying with us!)
File information
Platform | Android (smartphone or tablet) |
Requirements | Android 5.0 (Lollipop)+ |
Processor Architecture | armeabi-v7a |
Package Name | com.birdydogstudio.oceanishome |
License | Free |
HASH (sha256) | 909948c9083947bb21f0c166f2b4479fea9c823073671404d80c71fd6e92fa95 |
File type | XAPK Android App Bundle |
Permissions | INTERNET ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE com.android.vending.BILLING WAKE_LOCK com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID ACCESS_ADSERVICES_ATTRIBUTION ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE com.birdydogstudio.oceanishome.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION |
Filename | OceanIsHome_3.5.2.1.xapk |
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Old versions
Ocean Is Home: Survival Island APK
Android 5.0+ · 41.38 MB
Ocean Is Home: Survival Island XAPK
Android 5.0+ · 102.87 MB
Ocean Is Home: Survival Island APK
Android 4.1+ · 91.59 MB
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