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Download APK for Android 4.1+ 1.5 Free 10.77 MB Original without MODs

Lower the hexagon from the top of the colorful tower

Screenshot HexaFall 1
Screenshot HexaFall 2
Screenshot HexaFall 3

HexaFall – casual arcade game with elements of a physical puzzle, the gameplay of which continues until the gamer makes a fatal mistake. The user will have to compete with himself, since neither the rating system nor the global leaderboard is provided in the game, which somewhat reduces the social value of the novelty and deprives it of replay value, because it gets boring pretty quickly to improve your own record. But to while away a free minute, this puzzle fits just fine!

So, immediately after the launch of HexaFall we see a textual description of the gameplay, in other words, we are given to understand what needs to be done. And we have to lower a multi-colored hexagon from a high structure, consisting of a variety of elements, combined, according to the principle of brickwork, into an endless pillar. The user’s task is not to let the hexagon fall from this structure, but at the same time gradually lower it lower and lower, earning record points. After tapping on the “bricks”, they will collapse, and the hexagon, obeying the laws of physics, will slide down.

Sometimes in some elements you can notice bonuses in the form of bombs that destroy several levels of the structure at once, as well as stars that give a significant increase to the total score. Graphically, HexaFall is made brightly, interactive elements respond correctly to touch, the “alien” musical accompaniment is a little annoying, but it can be turned off without problems with one touch. No ads, no paid purchases in the arcade, surprisingly, no – download and play for fun!

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.atry.hexafall
Developer atry
License Free app
Date updated Nov 20, 2018
Number of downloads 7

Download HexaFall

Download HexaFall (1.5) APK
10.77 MB

How to Install HexaFall on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

FAQ: Downloading and Setup

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