Download Vegas Crime Simulator 2 - Latest version

Vegas Crime Simulator 2
3.1.2 (312) on Android
by Naxeex Action & RPG Games 

The underground empire is waiting for a hero

Apk information

Requirements Android 5.1+
Processor Architecture ARMv8, ARMv7
Package Name (Google Play ID)
Developer Naxeex Action & RPG Games
License Free
Released 2 07 2018
HASH (sha256)
File type Android Package File
Size 141.03MB
Downloaded 45 (2203)
Genre Casual
Rating 3.71 (7)
Date 26 02 2024
Localization English (+86 localizations)
This app is safe to download and use. It has undergone rigorous security testing by VirusTotal. The results of the scan show that the app is clean and safe to use.

How to Install the App

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."
  2. On the Captain Droid website, find the APK file for your device.
  3. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.
  4. Open the downloaded APK file to prompt installation. Review the permissions, then tap Install.
  5. Wait for installation to finish. This takes a few minutes.
  6. The app is now installed! Find it in your apps list and enjoy using it.


  • How to install APK file?
  • What is an APK file?
  • How to download app from the site?
  • How to uninstall an app on Android?

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