Jurassic Park Builder Icon

Jurassic Park Builder APK - Latest version

4.2.16 (105)
by Ludia Inc. 

File information

Platform Android (smartphone or tablet)
Requirements Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)+
Processor Architecture armeabi-v7a
Package Name com.ludia.jurassicpark
License Free
File type APK (Android Package Kit)
Filename Jurassic Park Builder_4.2.16.apk
This app has undergone security testing for vulnerabilities such as viruses, malware, and other malicious attacks. You can find the results in the report below.
Version 4.2.16 Android 2.3+ armeabi-v7a Aug 22, 2014

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Reviews about Jurassic Park Builder APK 4.2.16

Paarth jha:
It is showing connection error but I don’t have any kind of error
Jo lenne ha tudnàtok valmit csinàlani mert be se enged elöre is köszönöm
mnogo hubava igra
Ese juego es mejor de toda mi vida yo jugado ese juego pero a mí se me borró la cuen pero si lo puedo jugar voy a estar contenta
Jhon Molina:
Me gusta

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