Pixel Dungeon APK - Dernière version
1.9.1 (74)
by watabou
Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface
Nouveautés de la dernière version
1.9.2a is a hotfix
– Improved Catalogus
– Improved tiles
– New Berserker’s perk
– Any wand can be merged with another wand of the same type
– Wand Of Flock spawns fewer sheep, but they block line of sight and live longer
– Wand of Avalanche is buffed
– Wand of Firebolt is slightly nerfed
– Sacrificial mark gets propagated on attack
– All mobs on a level get beckoned when someone steps into sacrificial fire
– More « scroll-like » behaviour of Scroll of Wipe Out
– Some typos fixed
and more..
Informations sur les fichiers
Plate-forme | Android (smartphone ou tablette) |
Exigences | Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)+ |
Nom du paquet | com.watabou.pixeldungeon |
Licence | Gratuit |
Signature | 7FAB1CDA55A2EFC696FC96689965A2CA48A87B7D |
Type de fichier | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Autorisations | VIBRATE BILLING |
Nom de fichier | Pixel Dungeon_1.9.1.apk |
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Avis sur Pixel Dungeon APK 1.9.1
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