Punch Kick Duck APK - Dernière version
1.09 (20)
by Pipsqueak Games
Nouveautés de la dernière version
– Four new characters to unbox!
– Characters that used to cost 400 coins have been reduced to 300 coins!
– Made it so spamming your moves against Baron Tigrisso carries a greater risk of being hit, as previously you could pretty much mash your way to victory when fighting the Baron.
– Fixed an edge-case bug where if you got hit at the bottom of the stairs on Level 9, it would mess up the intro to the Baron on the next level.Thanks for playing! Good luck!
Informations sur les fichiers
Plate-forme | Android (smartphone ou tablette) |
Exigences | Android 4.4 (Kit Kat)+ |
Architecture du processeur | armeabi-v7a |
Nom du paquet | com.pipsqueakgames.pkd |
Licence | Gratuit |
HASH (sha256) | 3fddcd4ecdbd2a7a860e236706a40b369bb285dbd90e9cbb69a92cc955538bd6 |
Type de fichier | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nom de fichier | Punch Kick Duck_1.09.apk |
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Avis sur Punch Kick Duck APK 1.09
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