Nautical Life APK - Dernière version
2.01 (60)
by Supercharge Mobile
Acheter yachts et personnaliser avec des meubles, outre la pêche dans le monde entier.
Nouveautés de la dernière version
Nautical Life is an amazing Nautical Simulator game, where you can fish, buy yourself a Yacht and hire a bunch of fishing boats to build a fishing Tycoon around the world. Travel from the east to the west to fish more than 50 different fishes, including a Kraken!
On this update we have improved the onboarding experience, to make the game even more fun for you.
Informations sur les fichiers
Plate-forme | Android (smartphone ou tablette) |
Exigences | Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)+ |
Architecture du processeur | armeabi-v7a, x86 |
Nom du paquet | com.alphaquest.nauticallife |
Licence | Gratuit |
HASH (sha256) | 4fb4bb8997286df543686560637a014184afd30a313aa5c4837a4bf96d878e80 |
Type de fichier | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nom de fichier | Nautical Life_2.01.apk |
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