The Final Earth 2 APK - Dernière version
1.0.16 (10016)
by Florian van Strien
Construisez et gérez une colonie spatiale géniale ! Un vrai city builder !
Nouveautés de la dernière version
Thanks for playing The Final Earth 2! This update adds a new scenario, some new buildings and more!
– New scenario: Hippie Commune! The Blossom Hippies want to build a commune full of peace and love. Will you build it for them?
– New buildings: Pond Pod and Flower School, plus more in the Hippie Commune scenario too.
– You can now see the all-time production of resources (from this update)
– There’s now an option to pick a color from your city for decorative elements
– Bugfixes and more
Informations sur les fichiers
Plate-forme | Android (smartphone ou tablette) |
Exigences | Android 5.1 (Lollipop MR1)+ |
Nom du paquet | com.FlorianVanStrien.TheFinalEarth2 |
Licence | Gratuit |
HASH (sha256) | a3fa338a686a0dad93c9597f2f1470cb5a13fcbf0a36945391493f46a5928351 |
Type de fichier | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nom de fichier | The Final Earth 2_1.0.16.apk |
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Avis sur The Final Earth 2 APK 1.0.16
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