10 Pin Shuffle™ Bowling APK - Dernière version
2.03 (2003003)
by Digital Smoke LLC
Le hit, 10 Pin Shuffle™, est désormais disponible vente sur Android.
Nouveautés de la dernière version
1) Occasionally a banner advert would be too tall and obscure the top of the score area. This seemed to happen on some phones with Quad HD displays.
2) We’ve turned off the annoying sounds that play during Splits. You can turn them on or off on the Settings screen.
3) The spacing between Frame and the number in 10 Pin Poker was too large on Quad HD screen phones.
Informations sur les fichiers
Plate-forme | Android (smartphone ou tablette) |
Exigences | Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)+ |
Architecture du processeur | armeabi |
Nom du paquet | com.digitalsmoke.tenpinshuffle |
Licence | Gratuit |
Signature | 7AB214BFFD665E87B22046C03366B508BD9EFAB8 |
Type de fichier | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nom de fichier | 10 Pin Shuffle_2.03.apk |
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Avis sur 10 Pin Shuffle™ Bowling APK 2.03
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