Guerra e arguzia APK - Ultima versione
0.0.178 (198)
by uCool
Risolvi rompicapi e battaglia con gli amici!
Cosa c'è di nuovo nella versione più recente
The updated version is as follows:
1. Comprehensively adjusted the [Power], and used an updated and more scientific way to calculate the Power points of players.
2. Adjust the numerical growth of the cultivation system to make the growth and consumption ratio of the cultivation system more reasonable.
3. Added the output content and value of [March] playing method.
4. The relationship between construction consumption and construction is adjusted to make the order of construction more reasonable
Informazioni sul file
Piattaforma | Android (smartphone o tablet) |
Requisiti | Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)+ |
Architettura del processore | arm64-v8a |
Nome del pacchetto | com.ucool.warofgods |
Licenza | Gratuito |
Tipo di file | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nome del file | War and Wit_0.0.178.apk |
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