Schoolgirls Craft APK - Ultima versione
2.0 (2)
by inPocket Games
Ritorno a scuola nel mondo cubo! Imparare, comunicare, fare nuove amicizie!
Cosa c'è di nuovo nella versione più recente
A lot of work has been done to optimize the game, many bugs have been fixed (crashes, freezes, etc.), the list of supported devices has been expanded, a variety of content has been added: an in-game store, NPCs and trade with them, new decorations, animals, armor for the character, a 3rd-person view and many other changes!
Download the update, play, share your ideas in the app reviews!
Informazioni sul file
Piattaforma | Android (smartphone o tablet) |
Requisiti | Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)+ |
Architettura del processore | armeabi-v7a |
Nome del pacchetto | com.inpocket.school.girls.craft |
Licenza | Gratuito |
Firma | 1CE6B6EAB46CC1FD8E5444B68F67B163FA95BD90 |
Tipo di file | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Nome del file | School Girls Craft_2.0.apk |
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Recensioni su Schoolgirls Craft APK 2.0
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