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You must have wondered what’s really going on inside your Android phone or tablet. It’s like having a car but not knowing how to check the oil or tyre pressure. That’s where DevCheck Device & System Info comes in! This app is a fantastic tool that gives you the full scoop on your device’s hardware and software, and it’s all presented in a way that’s super easy to understand.

DevCheck Device & System Info isn’t just another techy app filled with jargon. It’s designed for everyone. It lays out all the essential details about your Android device in a clear, organized manner. Think of it as a dashboard for your phone or tablet, showing you everything from CPU usage to battery health, all in real-time.

What makes DevCheck Device & System Info stand out? It’s incredibly detailed. You can see specifics about your device’s processor, memory, storage, and even the camera. Curious about your Wi-Fi connection or cellular network? DevCheck Device & System Info has got you covered. It even provides real-time data from your device’s sensors.

The app is neatly organized into sections:

  • Dashboard: Get a quick overview of everything that’s happening. Monitor CPU, memory, battery, and more.
  • Hardware: Dive deep into the nitty-gritty details of your device’s components.
  • System: Find out all about your device’s software, including the Android version and security details.
  • Battery: Keep an eye on your battery’s status, temperature, and overall health.
  • Network: Check your Wi-Fi and cellular connections, including IP addresses.
  • Apps: Manage your apps and see what’s running. (Note: Memory usage for running apps is available on rooted devices running Android Nougat or later).
  • Cameras: Explore detailed camera specs.
  • Sensors: See a list of all sensors on your device, along with real-time data.

For those who want even more, there’s a Pro version available. This unlocks extra tools like testing your flashlight, vibrator, and buttons. You can also run benchmarks, use a battery monitor, and even add handy widgets to your home screen. The floating monitors are especially cool – they let you keep an eye on things like CPU usage and temperature while you use other apps.

DevCheck Device & System Info respects your privacy. It requires several permissions to show you all this detailed information, but it never collects or shares your personal data. Plus, it’s completely ad-free.

So, are you ready to become the master of your Android device? Download DevCheck Device & System Info today and explore the inner workings of your phone or tablet. It’s like opening the hood of your car and finally understanding what makes it tick!

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Video van DevCheck Device & System Info
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 1
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 2
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 3
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 4
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 5
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 6
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 7
Screenshot DevCheck Device & System Info 8

Technische specificaties van de nieuwste versie 5.36

Systeemvereisten: Vereist een smartphone of tablet met Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) of hoger.

Aanvullende informatie
Naam pakket (Google Play Store ID) flar2.devcheck
Auteur (Ontwikkelaar) flar2
Licentie Gratis app
Datum bijgewerkt 10 mrt 2025
Aantal downloads 1
Genre Tools / Mobiele toepassing

Nederlands (+85 lokalisaties)

DevCheck Device & System Info downloaden

Laatste versie (5.36):

Downloaden DevCheck Device & System Info apk 5.36
Bestandsgrootte: 9.22 MB arm64-v8a Originele volledige versie zonder MODs

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