Quento APK - Laatste versie
2.0.1 (20100)
by Q42
Quento is een superleuk rekenspel voor jong en oud, zonder advertenties.
Nieuw in de nieuwste versie
Play in class with the new “Quento for Schools” mode! A teacher can prepare a set of rounds, set the difficulty and share the code. With that code, students play together in groups or compete and see who’s the math hero.
The hint system was also updated. You can now request hints for a specific number which also works in zen mode.
Many smaller changes were made in the interface too. We hope you enjoy this update! Let us know what you think of Quento by reviewing the app!
Vereisten | Android 4.1+ |
Naam pakket | nl.q42.quento |
Licentie | Gratis |
Handtekening | 80685C57BC6F42FF0AD8991F9C27286B15249044 |
Soort bestand | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Bestandsnaam | nl.q42.quento_v2.0.1(20100).apk |
Inhoudsbeoordeling | 6+ |
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Beoordelingen over Quento APK 2.0.1
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