Starfall APK - Laatste versie
3.2.68 (3002068)
by Starfall Education Foundation
Starfall biedt tal van activiteiten. Word abonnee om toegang te krijgen tot alle inhoud.
Nieuw in de nieuwste versie
Introducing Starfall® Creative Corner!
– Practice spelling while playing instruments with Spelling Composer
– Help Mark and Carla mix colors and paint your own masterpieces
– Explore the world of famous artists through three non-fiction texts
Plus two activities for grades 4 and 5, exclusively for members.
– Ice Scream Shop: Find factor pairs to help free or freeze ice cream monsters.
– Math Magical: Practice expanded form with whole numbers and decimals to free magical creatures.
Vereisten | Android 5.0+ |
Processorarchitectuur | arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 |
Naam pakket | |
Licentie | Gratis |
HASH (sha256) | d1a0603c81fbe47164d8dba5b722561cf7fbfd51b2af3d9957a35cdd3733db77 |
Soort bestand | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Bestandsnaam | |
Inhoudsbeoordeling | Up to 8 |
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