Qr and Barcode Scanner APK - Última versão
1.0 (1)
by Haris Arif
Qr e Barcode Scanner App experiência de digitalização rápida para você.
O que há de novo na versão mais recente
This lightweight Qr and Barcode Scanner App The app is your great choice! Scan QR code fast and safely!Qr and Barcode Scanner App will automatically start scanning and scanning it. No need to press buttons, take photos or adjust zoom as the Isbn Scanner works well.Qr and Barcode Scanner App brings the extreme fastest barcode scan experience to you.Qr and Barcode Scanner App can scan and read all QR code, barcode types including text, ISBN, product and many more formats. After scanning and decoding the user is provided with only the relevant options for individual QR or Barcode type and can take action.Just open the Qr and Barcode Scanner App and our barcode readers app will recognize any barcode. Immediately after scanning the barcode code, the app will return the most relevant information about the product to be scanned.The Qr and Barcode Scanner App is the most ultimate powerful tool that helps you to scan QR code the easiest way.Qr and Barcode Scanner App is a high quality QR code app and you can read the information behind the barcode / QR code speedily in just seconds. Enjoy all the advantages and great features of scanning QR codes /barcodes anytime, anywhere.You can use our Qr and Barcode Scanner App easily if the device you are using is an android that supports camera capturing, All will become extremely easy if you use our bar code readers app.Qr and Barcode Scanner App is a high tech QR code with all the features you need, Scan any QR visual code to get information.In Qr and Barcode Scanner App Scan product in shops and differentiate prices with online prices to save cash with our qr barcode reader app, Scan all barcode formats and many more.Qr and Barcode Scanner App is designed with the permission of the camera, storage (and other permissions if you want to use Qr Barcode Reader.Qr and Barcode Scanner App Detects codes within photos files or scans directly using the camera, Enjoy one of the best QR code reader apps available for Android.Qr and Barcode Scanner App can scan and decode all types of QR code and barcode and It is also commonly used to scan coupon codes in shops to get cut-price.Qr and Barcode Scanner App is far and near used to decode QR/barcode such as ISBN and other codes, It is safe and fully suitable with your devices..
Informações sobre o arquivo
Plataforma | Android (smartphone ou tablet) |
Requisitos | Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)+ |
Nome do pacote | com.barcode.scanbar.qrcode |
Licença | Grátis |
Assinatura | 6CD44317354EED9DAA14BECE80D03A7B3454F500 |
Tipo de arquivo | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Permissões | CAMERA |
Nome do arquivo | Qr Code_1.0.apk |
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Opiniões sobre Qr and Barcode Scanner APK 1.0
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