Android 2.1.x (Eclair)

Review of the mobile operating system Android 2.1 x.
Codename: Ecuador.
API level/NDK release: 7.
Google Corporation made every new large-scale software product, released under the brand of Android, call to honor any goodies, for example, издание 1.0 was the name of the Apple Pie (Apple Pie), 1.6 – Donut (Donut), 1.1 – Banana Bread (Banana bread) and so on. In this article we'll look at another "biscuit" from the software giant – Android 2.1 Eclair x. But first briefly enumerate the key differences between this version of past editions, then take a closer look at some of them.
- Watch, borrowed from your device with QWERTY keyboard Motorola Milestone/Droid.
- Use live wallpapers with beautiful animation.
- Dekstopa icons in the form of a miniature image applications and services.
- Application Gallery with beautiful animation and the ability to put on images geolocation tags.
- Support for HTML5 web browser pre-installed, as well as API structures.
- The ability to use multiple accounts to your contacts and calendar.
- Support Microsoft Exchange accounts.
Work desks and screens
Space to interact with the platform Android is divided into five screens, located in the horizontal projection. Each such screen – It is a self-contained plot desktop, with the possibility of imposing on it the various active elements. Hold your finger on the display for some time, the user can call in a miniature display screens list, that allows you to quickly select the necessary at the moment, "link".
Items on the desktop
Виджеты – primitive GUI specific content, time, the weather and so on. A widget for "green robot" is absolutely no different from that, used on desktop or palmtop PC. When this, the dimensions of these graphical elements can be from miniature, to huge, occupying almost all of the space on the screen.
Shortcuts – файл, Specifies a particular object, for example, utility, contact, email or Internet-bookmark.
Folder – a kind of catalogue, contains different content. All these elements can easily be installed by the owner of the mobile devices to desktops in an arbitrary sequence of.
Animated wallpapers
Android finally got a chance to appear in all its glory, dressed in live desktop, for example, This may be changing the image depending on time of day, or additional effects on the screen, run with the touch of a finger (the ripples on the water, listopad and so on).
The touch keyboard
Android devices at one time had different variations of keyboards – overall QWERTY, miniature QWERTY (only for devices from HTC) and become familiar with modern digital keyboard, with the location on each button to four characters. To get to the keypad option should hold up finger language tab.
Photo and video
Gallery – It is this application used to view the photo and video content, sorting files by creation date or geometkam (Division at the place of establishment). In the version of Android OS 2.1. x Gallery "with" smooth animation and has become much easier for the user. Content can come in a variety of ways – edit them, or send just one click to another mobile gadget, or in popular communications network.
Now every time you start a web browser opens or home or default page specified by the manufacturer – It is selectable in the program settings. It was still not possible to choose the type of connection, This choice is defined at the system level in automatic mode (Wi-Fi/GPRS/3 g/).
In Eclair integrated utility to interact with the original Facebook social network, in doing so, the Android version claim to support all major functions of the senior fellow.
Control with your voice
Using any key (every model is different) You can, for example, say "call Mom", and smartphone after confirmation by the user of this action autonomously performs the required actions
So, version of Android 2.1 x differs from previous releases is mainly cosmetic, and, to a lesser extent, structural changes – This is pretty progressive for his time platform, You can "bring to mind" installation of additional software.