Android 3.2 (Honeycomb)

Review of the mobile operating system Android 3.2.
Codename: Honeycomb.
API level/NDK release: 13.
Android 3.2 Honeycomb is an updated version of the Android SDK. This feature opens up to developers and users of new features of smart devices, giving last all hardware Tablet PC properties:
- Application with a fixed size automatically adapts to the new screen size;
Devices, that support SD card, give the possibility to download multimedia files from an SD card directly into your application is to release memory from unnecessary overhead; - The system contains archives of icons for all the applications from the market;
- Improved API-application programming interface, to support different sizes of screens.
All of these options offer developers a comprehensive Toolkit for, to adapt any application for different hardware capabilities and thus optimize them for a wide range of tablets and other smart devices.
Zagruzaemyj component includes:
- Android Library;
- Image systems;
- Emulator skins, artificial environment, that adapts to many different devices, fixed.
It should be noted, the various devices the application will also display differently.
Reviewer: Sergii Nosko