Android 8.0 (Oreo)

Review of the mobile operating system Android 8.0.
Codename: Oreo.
API level/NDK release: 26.
The device from Google since the end of summer began to get the global OS upgrade to Android 8.0 Oreo. If we compare with previous large-scale service pack, in the "pechenke" visible metamorphosis is not so much – the main "yummy" is exactly "inside". Most of the innovation is aimed at improving security, Therefore, an ordinary user simply won't notice them. Let's explore, whether rush to update the OS on your mobile gadget?
Background applications
Google Inc. continues constructive struggle on all fronts and "issues" with programs, hanging in the background, that affects the battery life of the apparatus. In order to increase the data rates, programmers softernogo giant relentlessly (and not always successful) struggling with background services, mainly, These include all kinds of reference services, geolocation service, broadcast and other not-so-important for a simple man in the street, but very ravenous» utilities.
Control Panel
The so-called "blind", allows you to quickly access the main settings of the mobile device has become leaner and thus compiled, that user will be able to watch most of the key components of the interface (Wi-Fi network, signal level, flashlight, Bluetooth and frequently used "do not disturb" mode), followed by less important and not so frequently used in everyday interaction with the apparatus items.
Picture in Picture mode
New platform Picture in Picture mode (vengeance is used in YouTube) gives you the ability to "exploit" multitasking in any angles and directions. For Example, You can watch a movie and view e-mail messages, either synchronously communicate with multiple applications.
Push notifications
Entering the device notice is henceforth undergo more thorough control, offering the user to decide on the importance and value of different thematic categories for him. If you wish, and it is possible for a while to block flow of Push notifications, using the "do not disturb" mode on the quarter hour, half-hour and hour.
Adaptive Icons
Google programmers put into updating the OS function, enables developers to implement different perspective on the shape and dynamics of the display icons, an ordinary user can give preference to a particular version of the icons – the appearance of the, mobility or immobility.
Kotlin programming language support
Many developers are enthusiastically greeted by such a possibility, because the Kotlin much safer and easy to work, than the same Java language. Implement support for Kotlin automatically spelled out in the integrated development environment Android Studio version 3.0 by Gradle, that gives developers the ability to enter in the programme that you have already created a number of new features in another programming language without requiring a full rewrite of the starter on.
Fingerprint scanner
Gesture control devices from Google was first implemented in devices Pixel and Pixel XL, but in the new version of OS functionality solidly stated expanded, because now the sensor fingerprint scanner correctly recognizes Tapa of different lengths, as well as svajpy horizontal and vertical format.
Improved overall performance
In comparison with the previous version of the OS on assurance of developers Android 8.0 OREO is loaded twice, similar performance improvements have been recorded in the overall performance, for example, when interacting with Google Sheet has increased speed the same way twice.
Labels on Lock Screen
Now you can directly from the lock screen go into necessary application at this time, why, you can fine-tune the Lock Screen by placing relevant shortcuts. Trifle, and nice!
The AutoComplete feature for social networks and services
Do not want every time you step into any application to enter login and password? In Android 8.0 Oreo implemented automatic introduction of personal user data is not only branded apps from Google, but in the third-party software, for example, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and stuff. Just implemented support for multiple repositories passwords – 1Password, Dashlane and Enpass.
Wi-Fi Technology Aware
This is a separate "branch" of Wi-Fi, used to collect information about the possibilities of being in close proximity to your mobile apparatus without direct connection to them – each application uses Wi-Fi technology Aware differently, based on the functional.
Google has worked over jemodzi views (ideograms) and standard emoticons, making them more modern and relevant, the plus to this was the introduction of Android version 8.0. dozens of new jemodzi.
Summing up, should say, although Android 8.0 Oreo and abounds with innovations, but significant or revolutionary name cannot be, so the version could "call" 7.5. Google Inc. made a further step on the course forcing development process, that mainly relates to speed OS updates from manufacturers of mobile devices, and this in the long term positive impact on segmentation, reigning now in the ecosystem of platform. Let's hope, that upcoming version of Android will be more significant and notable changes for ordinary people, because style platform design now being used already many Nabila teeth on edge, After all, It is the fourth year that went.