Telegram X – an experimental version of the popular messenger, which works much faster than its predecessor, is optimized for 64-bit processors, has three themes (classic blue, night blue and night black), can play streaming music (playback starts at around 8% download) and is endowed with the functionality of a photo editor. For the sake of justice, it is worth mentioning that at the dawn of its creation this application was called Challegram, and its creator was the Russian developer Vyacheslav Krylov, who later joined the official Telegram team.
A detailed description of the Telegram X product should begin with a praise to its updated design – new menus, icons, animation, all this leaves only positive emotions, setting you up for a long and fruitful communication with your interlocutors. Functionally, the application completely repeats the capabilities of the original client – voice communication, text chats with filtering by type (unread, channels, groups, private chats), seasoned with a lot of nice graphic elements (emoticons), sending photos and videos of any format and increased volume, documents and links .
In the Telegram X settings, the user is free to completely customize the appearance of the client at will, for example, change the classic “flat” display of chat correspondence to a “cloud” format, which looks much more elegant and more convenient for visual perception. The developers plan to introduce a lot of useful features, for example, multi-account support, sticker animation, a significant expansion of the list of interface languages, and so on.
Telegram X download: Be a part of something amazing.
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