Khan Academy Kids is a learning platform for children up to eight years old, created with the participation of preschool teachers. So that young students are not bored, the training is organized in the format of a fun adventure – learning mathematics, alphabet, grammar, spelling, biology and other serious disciplines with a similar approach is much more interesting.
In the application library, users will find tasks for logic, memory improvement, development of fine motor skills of hands, creative tasks and much more, which contributes to the harmonious development of a small person. The baby’s companions are lovely and kind animals, which turn even a difficult task or lesson into a fun and colorful adventure – children will be delighted with such a presentation of materials.
- learning that brings only positive emotions;
- expanding horizons and developing cognitive abilities;
- mastering new material at your own pace;
- funny characters help and encourage;
- physical and emotional development;
- track progress on charts.
Parents can form the curriculum themselves or rely on the Khan Academy Kids system, which automatically tracks the successes and failures of the child, unobtrusively offering to focus on problematic issues.
Khan Academy Kids download: Be a part of something amazing.
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