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speak a new language

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Have fun, learn fast and start speaking French, Spanish, German, Japanese

Memrise: learn languages is an application for learning foreign languages. The Memrise application uses advanced NLP technologies and mnemonics, with the help of which participants are immersed in the language environment, and new glories are remembered easily and with pleasure.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is the key to the modern world. Foreign languages ​​provide access to primary sources and alternative information. Knowledge of not one, but several foreign languages ​​- programming, including – in the near future will become a prerequisite, only in order to apply for a job in a prestigious company.

The Memrise training program contains:

  1. Mini-games, during which participants play different meanings of the same word – this is how new words are most effectively remembered.
  2. Conversations with a chatbot, during which the most common language situations are modeled using the most frequently used words and phrases.
  3. Video clips in which native speakers demonstrate how words are pronounced.

The training program Memrise is the result of the joint work of linguists and IT developers, whose task was to implement the complex process of learning foreign languages ​​in the form of a game – in the most effective form of learning.

The Memrise program uses NLP technology and mnemonics. The library of words in the program is selected in such a way that fame evokes vivid and memorable associations. The Memrise teaching methodology also takes into account the characteristics of all possible psychotypes of students – these are 15 million students around the world who have already taken advantage of the Memrise program. This is 2 million words that students easily and naturally memorize daily. Also, this is the title of the best learning program of 2017 according to Google Play.


  • The training program has two levels of difficulty: 1) for beginners and 2) advanced.
  • Languages ​​available for learning:
    • English (classical and American);
    • German;
    • French;
    • Polish;
    • Spanish;
    • Italian;
    • Korean (romaji and kanji);
    • Japanese;
    • Arabic.

Video and Screen Captures

Video of Memrise
Screenshot Memrise 1
Screenshot Memrise 2
Screenshot Memrise 3
Screenshot Memrise 4
Screenshot Memrise 5
Screenshot Memrise 6
Screenshot Memrise 7
Screenshot Memrise 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 2024.06.28.0

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 8.0 (OREO) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Memrise
License Free app
Date updated Sep 3, 2024
Number of downloads 453
Genre Education / Mobile application

English (+24 localizations)

Download Memrise: speak a new language APK

Get the Latest Version (2024.06.28.0) - Free & Safe Download

Download Memrise apk 2024.06.28.0
File size: 37.35 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs
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