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Piano Ladybug Noir


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Discover the talent of a great pianist

Screenshot Piano Ladybug Noir 1
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Screenshot Piano Ladybug Noir 6

Piano Ladybug Noir – casual arcade game for music lovers, with elementary rules, rich graphics and a package of interesting modes that are aimed at developing dexterity and a sense of rhythm, and also allow you to take a high place in the world ranking of the best virtual pianists. The gameplay of the novelty comes down to timely taps on the tiles descending from the top of the screen, each of which is a chord of the musical composition being played.

Developers Piano Ladybug Noir offer to start your career with the simplest melodies, for example, try to accurately play “Dog Waltz”, trying to score the maximum number of points and earn some valuable crystals needed to gain access to more complex compositions, for example, “Moonlight sonata”. Of course, the performance will not always be smooth and error-free – it is quite difficult to hit the keys moving at an increasing speed. But in case of a mistake, the gamer has a chance to continue the melody from where it stopped – pay the specified number of crystals as a fine and move on to the records.

In general, the Piano Ladybug Noir project almost completely copies countless analogues, standing out only with a bright design and a huge collection of musical works of varying complexity and genre – popular music, classical music, folklore, jazz, and so on. The game is absolutely free, so access to new compositions is completely freely available to each user, provided that he responsibly approaches the reproduction of each melody, both primitive and complex.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID chat.piano.noir.tiles.magic.ladybug
Developer Apparente Studios
License Free app
Date updated Apr 22, 2020
Number of downloads 623
Available languages

English (+79 localizations)

Download Piano Ladybug Noir

Download Piano Ladybug Noir (8) APK
ARMv7, x86
37.14 MB

How to Install Piano Ladybug Noir on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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