Download for Android 1.34 MB free

Free mobile cinema

XX1 Lite is an online cinema generous with premieres and novelties, which allows you to watch movies and series through the built-in player, divided into several categories for the convenience of the user. By genre – dramas and adventures, comedy and crime, family and historical, romantic and musical, thrillers and military, documentary and animated, anime and horror. You can also find a movie by entering its name in the search bar or using a special filter where you can specify the country of the manufacturer or the year of release of the tape.

After the choice is made, the transition directly to the content page follows, where the most detailed information about it is presented – genre, release year, plot description, cast, trailer and other useful information. By launching the built-in player, the user has the opportunity to choose the display of subtitles (sometimes they will need to be downloaded first), as well as the quality of the picture – the choice is quite large, and it ultimately depends on the speed of the Internet connection on the mobile Android device.

XX1 Lite works smartly, movies load quickly, the picture is of high quality and smooth playback. Of course, it is desirable to use a stable and fast Internet connection for more comfortable viewing, 4G or Wi-Fi will be ideal in this case. Developers do not require any subscriptions for using the application, but if you want to watch movies in the highest possible quality, you will have to pay some money for this.

Screen Captures

Screenshot XX1 Lite 1
Screenshot XX1 Lite 2

Technical specifications of the latest version 2.1.2

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) permatakanji
License Free app
Date updated Aug 17, 2023
Number of downloads 202284
Genre Entertainment / Mobile application

Download XX1 Lite

Get the Latest Version (2.1.2) - Free & Safe Download

Download XX1 Lite apk 2.1.2
File size: 1.34 MB universal Original full version without MODs

Old versions

XX1 Lite 2.1.1 Android 4.1+ (1.55 MB)

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Global rating: 3.5 (12.9K)

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