Zen-Money is a financial tool for total accounting of income and expenses, which will help you plan your personal or family budget. A single smart metering platform with unrivaled security controls based on HTTPS protocol and 256-bit encryption – ensuring that the data appearing in the application does not become the property of third parties.
In the program interface, the main value for the user is represented by three tabs, the purpose and features of which should be considered in detail. Accounts – connect bank accounts and get round-the-clock access to them in a single system. The application will inform the user about any transactions made for free, so the need for paid SMS from banks disappears by itself.
Operations – enter any expenses and incomes into the section (spending on groceries, mobile communications, transfers to friends, utility bills, etc.). Analytics – keep track of your free cash balance, view visual money flow charts, monitor spending trends and create a budget.
- collect bank accounts in one place for easy tracking of the movement of funds;
- colorful graphic display of income and expenses statistics;
- accounting for savings, obligatory and optional expenses;
- notifications will help you not to miss important operations;
- is a trusted assistant for small businesses and freelancers;
- sync with web version.
Thanks to Zen-money service notifications, you will never forget about mandatory transactions, which inspires confidence and peace of mind.
Zenmoney: expense tracker download: Be a part of something amazing.
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