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Cryptocurrency wallet with the possibility of mining

Electroneum is a revolutionary application whose main goal, as conceived by the developers, is to introduce mobile device users to the cryptocurrency market through the mining process. Naturally, this is not implemented in the same way as on computer platforms, because the power of a mobile device is simply not enough for full-fledged mining. Nevertheless, with the help of this program, it is quite realistic, in principle, without doing anything at all, to earn ETN coins – you just need to install the utility, register and activate the cryptocurrency mining process.

To authorize in the Electroneum application, you use a Facebook account or go through a full registration process by entering an email (primary and secondary), a mobile number (it receives a confirmation code) and 5 digit pincode. The program interface consists of four tabs, each of which we will consider in detail. So, the “Miner” tab – here the user can activate the cryptocurrency mining process, find out the number of currently active miners, see the current hashrate (an indicator of the number of operations per second performed by the device), and also see the pending balance.

An amount of at least ten ETN coins is transferred to the main “Wallet”, located in a separate tab. The “Cost” tab allows you to see the current exchange rate of the Electroneum cryptocurrency in relation to a variety of currencies, as well as access exchange services to withdraw earned funds from the system. The last tab contains the main settings, as well as the terms and conditions for using the software. According to the developers, the application does not load the system of a smartphone or tablet at all, and it is advisable to use WiFi networks for its operation in order to eliminate unnecessary costs for mobile traffic.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Electroneum 1
Screenshot Electroneum 2
Screenshot Electroneum 3
Screenshot Electroneum 4
Screenshot Electroneum 5
Screenshot Electroneum 6
Screenshot Electroneum 7

Technical specifications of the latest version 4.2.0

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.4 (Kit Kat) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) ETN-CWP
License Free app
Date updated Sep 1, 2019
Number of downloads 158
Genre Finance / Mobile application

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Get the Latest Version (4.2.0) - Free & Safe Download

Download Electroneum apk 4.2.0
File size: 13.74 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs

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