Change Photo background is a photo editor with which you can rotate, scale, add visual effects to them and change background images in fragments on photos.
How does it work?
- You select a photo from your own gallery;
- On the photo, select the fragment that you want to edit – change. The edit zone can be enlarged or reduced – to do this, use the Size option;
- Use either 1) one of the 10 templates contained in your own photo editor’s library, or 2) a fragment of any other photo that you previously created and saved as a template as a template to replace the background image fragment of the photo you are editing. 10 template backgrounds – they are implemented in high quality HD resolution;
- The background image – a fragment – that is being edited can be made more or less transparent;
- The edited photo should be saved. The edited photo can be shared directly from the application with friends.
Note: The photo editor saves the original photo, and for the edited one, the application creates a duplicate.
- Edited photos can be used as wallpapers or backgrounds for desktops on smartphones and tablets.
- The photo editor has a built-in file manager system, with which photos from the user’s personal gallery can be searched, added, deleted, renamed and swapped.
Change Photo background is a tool with which you can change not only the background image in photos, but also the mood of the characters in the photo.
Change photo background download: Be a part of something amazing.
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