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Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics)

e Animation Effect(Video & Pics)

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Decorating photos and videos with spectacular animation

Scribbl is a tool designed primarily for socially active people who regularly fill their page on the Instagram platform with new content. However, no one forbids ordinary people who want to supplement photos and videos with self-created animation effects to use the capabilities of the application. A little creativity, a couple of minutes of free time to figure out the algorithm of the program and a few settings – and now the old static photos are no longer recognizable, they come to life and attract attention.

Чтобы приступить к претворению своих творческих фантазий в жизнь, необходимо в качестве основы воспользоваться фото и видео, хранящимися в памяти мобильного устройства – выбираете файл и приступаете к его поэтапному преображению. Основным инструментом программы Scribbl является так называемая палитра, которая открывает доступ к ключевым функциям – выбор типа используемой анимации (статичная или несколько вариантов динамичной), используемый цвет, размер линий, с какой задержкой будет на фото или видео появляться анимация и прочее.

When working with photos, Scribbl layers are used, which can be quite a lot, depending on the desired result and the creative message of the user. After completing the changes, you should select the quality of saving the result (SD, HD and FHD) and set the number of animation cycles (the duration and weight of the final file depend on this parameter). The application can be used completely free of charge, but in this case you will have to put up with some restrictions on the tools used, as well as with a watermark that marks each created work.

Video and Screen Captures

Video of Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics)
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 1
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 2
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 3
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 4
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 5
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 6
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 7
Screenshot Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 2.1

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.axndx.ig
Author (Developer) ZipoApps
License Free app
Date updated Feb 3, 2021
Number of downloads 25
Genre Design & Art / Mobile application

English (+93 localizations)

Download Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) - e Animation Effect(Video & Pics) APK

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Download Scribbl - Scribble Animation Effect(Video & Pics) apk 2.1
File size: 16.30 MB universal Original full version without MODs
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