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DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor


Download XAPK for Android 5.0+ 4.0 Free 13.29 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Your key to endless streaming of movies and TV shows on your smartphone

Screenshot DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor 1
Screenshot DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor 2
Screenshot DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor 3

DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor is the most effective and useful video streaming app. Watch your favorite TV shows and masterpiece films using this useful program on your smartphone.

Before using the program, read the user manual to better understand the features and get unlimited access to tens of thousands of movies and TV shows. Directly from your portable device, you can choose any of the proposed languages ​​and enjoy useful viewing of your favorite content. Brief instructions will tell you in great detail about the installation process, creating an account, navigating the program and customizing the user interface.

You will get unlimited access to a huge library containing thousands of TV episodes and many of our favorite movies. All this can be seen in excellent quality and a clear picture. The program has many recommendations and tips with which you can set up the ideal picture and video streaming.

Now you won’t have to worry about choosing and opening several streaming applications to watch something interesting. The program has collected all sorts of ratings and reviews that will help you solve the dilemma of what to watch tonight. choose a movie, TV show, series, or other type of entertainment content, and watch with pleasure at your leisure, whatever your heart desires.

DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor will help you choose films by genre, tell you all the detailed information about the film, cast, rating, box office receipts and awards that this film received. This is the best way to have fun and access video streaming directly on your smartphone or tablet. By actively using this application, you will get maximum pleasure while spending your leisure time profitably.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.DIXMAX_TV.moviesandSeries_Guide
Developer Pearce Rosie
License Free app
Date updated Feb 1, 2024
Number of downloads 26
Available languages

English (+15 localizations)

Download DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor

Download DIXMAX Series & Movies Advisor (4.0) XAPK
13.29 MB
How to Install the APK Bundle (apks/xapk)

APK Bundles contain multiple APKs optimized for various device configurations.

  1. Download the APK Bundle file (usually with a '.apks' or '.xapk' extension)
  2. You'll need a split APK installer app to handle the installation. One popular option is Split APKs Installer (SAI).
  3. Launch the Split APK Installer (SAI) app on your device.
  4. In SAI, tap the "Install APKs" button.
  5. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the APK Bundle file and select it.
  6. SAI will display a list of APKs included in the bundle. Select the ones you want to install, and then tap "Install."
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of each APK.
  8. Once installed, you can open and use the app as you normally would.

Installing XAPK or APK Bundle files may seem more complex than regular APKs, but it allows for optimized app installations on various device configurations.

FAQ: Downloading and Setup

  • How to download app from the site
  • How to install APK / XAPK or APKs files
  • How to remove an app from Android

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