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Tarot & Horoscopes

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Uncover the secrets of fate with Tarot cards, horoscopes and palm fortune telling!

A completely free application for fortune telling by cards Faladdin: Tarot & Horoscopes will reveal to you all the mysteries of the zodiac signs and provide you with a horoscope for the day. The date of birth contains hidden signs that keep the secret of a person’s fate. Wise stars are able to predict fate, and this application can take you on a long journey and see the future. You will definitely enjoy tarot cards and horoscopes not only from the point of view of curiosity, but also for entertainment purposes.

TAROT CARDS are very wise and always reflect the true picture of your future. Millions of people around the world pay attention to this method of prediction, because this is one of the most popular methods of fortune telling in the world of Faladdin.

A HOROSCOPE FOR EVERY DAY is a reading of the stars on which the whole sky rests. Be sure to listen to the advice that the stars send you every day. A horoscope of compatibility between two personalities is absolutely free and the meaning of the zodiac signs to illuminate your road to the future together with your partner.

ASTROLOGY – familiarize yourself with the basic principles of Faladdin’s astrology, and get an in-depth analysis of the star patterns in your destiny. Your zodiac sign and date of birth form the lunar calendar and provide astrological biorhythms in life. Analysis of your emotions, intellectual level, physical condition can completely predict the future and present.

JINN – one of the most ardent opponents of Faladdin will definitely help you with advice and provide the most accurate prediction of fate based on a small amount of information.

MOTIVATION FOR THE ENTIRE DAY is exactly what each of us is looking for in order to spend all our working or free time productively and efficiently.
COIN FOR FREE READING – gives you a chance to watch your horoscope every day and replenish your knowledge about astrology. Your mood will improve, and your problems will simply disappear after receiving the forecast.

EXCLUSIVE PREMIUM PACKAGE – Gives you the edge and privileged status to receive your horoscope anytime, anywhere.

DREAM BOOK – will help you correctly interpret dreams, and provide a guide to unraveling the hidden meaning of each night vision.

PALM DIVINATION – a special hand scanner will open your way to the world of astrological knowledge.

Plan your day and find out your fate, and Faladdin will help you with this.

Screen Captures

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Technical specifications of the latest version 3.8.8

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Number 33 Technology
License Free app
Date updated Jan 8, 2025
Number of downloads 1
Genre Lifestyle / Mobile application

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Download Faladdin apk 3.8.8-prod
File size: 196.22 MB armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs

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