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Beautiful theme with additional content pack

Magic Launcher Theme – a huge package of beautiful themes, high-quality wallpapers, original icons and fonts within one application to personalize the workspace of your Android device. But in addition to decorative functions, this utility also boasts the presence of useful tools that are responsible for ensuring maximum performance in the operation of a smartphone or tablet. Unfortunately, the developers have made them non-disableable, which can pretty piss off some users who prefer freedom of choice.

So, after installing the product, three icons will appear in the status bar (the so-called “curtain”), with which you can speed up the device by deleting unnecessary files, perform the procedure for bringing the temperature of the central processor back to normal and close all programs that consume too much battery power . But that’s not all – Magic Launcher Theme independently groups all the programs available on the device’s desktop according to a special algorithm, for example, all utilities from Google end up in one shared folder, tools in another, communication tools and messengers – in the third and so on. In the future, the proposed version, of course, can be edited based on your own considerations.

Also, the magic theme adds a lot of unusual widgets that clearly win visually and functionally against the background of their stock counterparts from the standard theme of the device. After the first launch of Magic Launcher Theme, it is imperative to give the program the status of the main one, so that if the device is turned off or rebooted, it will start by default. The wallpapers that come with the application can be replaced with any other background images, since the range of them is quite extensive and completely free.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Magic Launcher Theme 1
Screenshot Magic Launcher Theme 2
Screenshot Magic Launcher Theme 3
Screenshot Magic Launcher Theme 4

Technical specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.gau.go.launcherex.theme.magicgolaunchertheme
Author (Developer) 2021 Themes & Keyboards
License Free app
Date updated Mar 24, 2020
Number of downloads 362
Genre Themes / Mobile application

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File size: 17.21 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs
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