Magzter is a global kiosk where the user chooses what and when to read. This is the only service of its kind that allows you to create personal playlists based on the interests and needs of the user. Immediately after launching the program and choosing the interface language, you must select at least four topics to complete the setup – Business, Kids, Fashion, Home, Sports, Technology, Comics and many other popular categories are waiting for their readers. It is worth noting that the service works on a monthly subscription system, however, the possibility of episodic purchases of issues of a particular magazine is provided.
In addition to accessing content, the Magzter application has other interesting and useful features. So, you can cut out any section of the magazine and share it with your friends via social networks or instant messengers. In the process of reading, you can use the font size change system for more comfortable assimilation of the material. Cosmopolitan, Maxim, Bloomberg Businessweek, Newsweek, Time, People, Men’s Fitness – these and many other popular publications around the world become available with just one touch. At the same time, you can view not only current issues, but also issues of previous years.
The Magzter digital kiosk settings allow you to select the interface language, activate the “parental control” function, synchronize settings with other devices (because the service has the status of a cross-platform), enable the Push notification system to receive timely notifications about the appearance of new content in the program, and so on. Before deciding to purchase a paid subscription, the application developers kindly provide a thirty-day free trial period.
Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers download: Be a part of something amazing.
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