Cartoon Face is a magical tool with which ordinary photographs undergo dramatic changes, turning into cartoon images created by pencil or paint drawings. Photos from local storage are used as a blank for a future masterpiece, or a new object is made with a built-in camera and instantly loaded into the program.
Interaction with the functions of the application is organized intuitively and clearly. In fact, the user only has to choose the desired filter from the range offered, if necessary, forming his own buzz of favorite styles. Having decided on the choice, it remains to wait for the processing process to complete, and then, if desired, adjust the color, exposure, contrast, saturation, brightness, and other parameters.
- an assortment of cartoon filters to transform group photos and selfies;
- use a photo from the gallery or take a picture with the built-in camera;
- flexible adjustment of saturation and intensity of effects;
- share an unusual way with your friends.
Save the project in the memory of your mobile device or immediately share it with your friends by uploading it to social networks, sending it by e-mail or instant messenger. The results obtained as a result of processing images using the Cartoon Face editor help to look at photos from a new angle, turning them into luxurious and vibrant artistic portraits.
Cartoon Photo Editor: Cartoon Yourself, Selfie Art download: Be a part of something amazing.
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